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Index: O

Object Actions (Actions panel title): 16.1. The Actions Panel
Object class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
simulating global variables: Scenario 4 The end of the inheritance chain
object classes: 10.6.2. Attaching Event Handlers to Other Objects
12.5.1. Object Classes
attaching event handlers to: 10.6.2. Attaching Event Handlers to Other Objects
10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers
event handler scope: 10.7.3. Other Object Event Handler Scope
Object() constructor: 12.2. Instantiating Objects
object datatype: 3.2.1. The ActionScript Datatypes
vs. movieclip datatype: 15.4. The movieclip Datatype
object hierarchy
deleting nodes from: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
parseXML() and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
traversing: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
XML class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
XMLnode class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
object initializers ({}): 1.2.4. Modular Code (Functions)
6.2.1. Statement Blocks
object literals: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
object methods
fixed scope of: 15.3. Advanced Function Scope Issues
with statement and: 6.3.9. The with Statement
object nodes (see nodes, object)
object-oriented programming (OOP): 12. Objects and Classes
classes and: 12.5. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
introduction to: 12. Objects and Classes
polymorphism: Polymorphism
resources: A.3. Object-Oriented Programming
summary: 12.5.5. Object-Oriented Programming Summary
superclasses and subclasses: 12.5.4. Superclasses and Subclasses
object properties: 12. Objects and Classes
12.1. The Anatomy of an Object
assigning event handlers using: 10.6.2. Attaching Event Handlers to Other Objects
customizing: Assigning custom properties to the objects of a class
dot (.) operator and: 5.11.6. The dot Operator
12.3.1. Referring to Properties
for-in loops and: 8.5. The for-in Loop
12.3.2. Using a for-in Loop to Access an Object's Properties
function scope of: 15.3. Advanced Function Scope Issues
inheritance (see inherited properties)
resolving references using scope chain: 9.7.1. The Scope Chain
retrieving values of: 12.4. Methods
with statement and: 6.3.9. The with Statement
object-property ([]) operator: 5.11.5. Array-Element/Object-Property Operator
referring to object properties: 12.3.1. Referring to Properties
Object.constructor property: The constructor property
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Object.__proto__ property: The _ _ proto_ _ property
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
objects: 12. Objects and Classes
anatomy of: 12.1. The Anatomy of an Object
arrays as: 11.9.6. Arrays as Objects
behaviors of: 12. Objects and Classes
belonging to superclasses: Determining whether an object belongs to a superclass
built-in: 12.6.2. Built-in Objects
20.3. Built-in Classes and Objects
encapsulating behaviors: 12. Objects and Classes
functions as: 9.11. Functions as Objects
instances: 12. Objects and Classes
instantiating: 12.2. Instantiating Objects
interfaces: 12. Objects and Classes
methods and: 12.4. Methods
vs. arrays: 12.1. The Anatomy of an Object
XML documents, manipulating: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Object.toString(): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
Object.valueOf(): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
octal (base-8) integers: 4.3.1. Integer Literals
offset values for colors: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
on (button event handler)
button events for: 10.8. Button Events
defining: 10.5. Event Handler Syntax
on-screen text fields (see text fields)
onClipEvent (movie clip event handler)
clip events for: 10.9. Movie Clip Events Overview
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
defining: 10.5. Event Handler Syntax
onClose event handler (XMLSocket class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
onConnect event handler (XMLSocket class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
onData() event handler
XML class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
XMLSocket class: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
one-line comments: 14.3. Comments
onLoad() event handler: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
onXML event handler (XMLSocket class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
OOP (see object-oriented programming)
opacity in movie clips, specifying: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
OpenSWF information center: A.4. SWF File Format
operands: 1.1.6. ActionScript's Glue (Operators)
5.1.1. Operators and Expressions
of different datatypes, comparing: 5.4.3. Equality and Datatype Conversion
number of: 5.1.2. Number of Operands
operators: 1.1.6. ActionScript's Glue (Operators)
5. Operators
arithmetic: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators
associativity of: 5.1.3. Operator Precedence
bitwise: 15.2. Bitwise Programming
compound assignment: 5.2.1. Combining Operations with Assignment
datatypes and: 5.1.5. Datatypes and Operators
expressions and: 5.1.1. Operators and Expressions
Flash 4 vs. Flash 5: 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion
number datatype and: 4.4.1. Using Operators
precedence of: 4.4.1. Using Operators
5.1.3. Operator Precedence
optimized code, tips for writing: 19.1.4. The Bandwidth Profiler
options, text field: 18.3. Text Field Options
or (logical OR) operator (Flash 4): 14.4. Reserved Words
ord() (Flash 4): 4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions
Output window: 1.1.2. Say Hi to Flash
error messages sent to: 19.1. Debugging Tools
trace() and: 1.1.4. The Wizard Behind the Curtain (the Interpreter) Repeating tasks using loops
overflow conditions: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference

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