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ActionScript: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

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Index: F

FACE attribute of HTML tag: 18.5.4. <FONT> (Font Control)
factorials, calculating with/without recursion: 9.9. Recursive Functions
FIFO (first-in-first-out) stacks: The push( ) method
file protocol (getURL()): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
fill-in forms (see Flash forms)
final keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
finally keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
first-in-first-out (FIFO) stacks: The push( ) method
firstChild property (XML class): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
FLA files (Code Depot): 0.2. The Code Depot
flags (bits): 15.2. Bitwise Programming
closing open connections to server applications: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
connections between servers and: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
creating dynamic text fields with Text tool: 18.1. Dynamic Text Fields
instances (see movie clips, instances)
opening connections to server applications: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
programming, introduction to: 1. A Gentle Introduction for Non-Programmers
transmitting XML-formatted data to server applications: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
web sites: 0.3. Showcase
Flash 5 Player (see Player)
Flash 4 vs. Flash 5
ActionScript: 0. Foreword
assigning values to dynamically named variables: 6.3.4. The set Statement (Set Variable)
backward-compatibility issues: C. Backward Compatibility
call() statement: 6.3.7. The call( ) Statement
datatype conversions: 3.4.4. Flash 4-to-Flash 5 Datatype Conversion
equality/inequality operators: Using the equality (==) and inequality (!=) operators
keyboard interaction: 10.8.8. keyPress
local variables in subroutines: Local variables in subroutines
Normal Mode not backward compatible: Normal Mode
reserved words: 14.4. Reserved Words
string concatenation operators: 4.6.1. Joining Strings Together
string extraction performance issues: String extraction performance issues
string operation equivalencies: 4.6.11. Flash 4 Versus Flash 5 String Operators and Functions
5.6. The String Operators
undefined datatype: 4.8. Undefined
variable addressing syntax: Flash 4 versus Flash 5 variable access syntax
Flash Debugger tool: 19.1.5. The Debugger
Flash experiments (Williams and Kennedy): A.1. ActionScript and Programming
Flash forms: 17. Flash Forms
Reset button to: 17.2.4. Receiving Results from the Server
Submit button to: 17.2.1. Building the Frontend
user-input text field to: 17.2.1. Building the Frontend
client-side user input: 17.1.1. Flash Client-Side User Input
creating fill-in forms: 17.2. Creating a Flash Fill-in Form
processing and producing results: 17.1.3. The Data-Handling Application
receiving results from server: 17.1.4. Flash Receives and Interprets Results
17.2.4. Receiving Results from the Server
sending to server: 17.1.2. Transmitting Data for Server-Side Processing
17.2.2. Sending Data to the Server
validating: 17.1.1. Flash Client-Side User Input
data cycle of: 17.1. The Flash Form Data Cycle
isolating client/server problems: 17.1.2. Transmitting Data for Server-Side Processing
user-input text fields and: 18.2.4. User-Input Text Fields and Forms
Flash Kit ( resources: A.1. ActionScript and Programming
Flash movies
adding code to: 1.1.1. Creating Code
building: 1.2.1. Flash Programs
creating an interface: 1.3.3. Creating the Interface and Questions
event-based programs: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model
10.2. Event-Based AsynchronousCode Execution
layer structure and: 1.3.2. Building the Layer Structure
13.4.1. The Internal Layer Stack
logic in: Making choices using conditionals
Flashcoders mailing list: A.1. ActionScript and Programming
float keyword (potential reserved word): 14.4. Reserved Words
floating-point literals: 4.3.2. Floating-Point Literals
floating-point numbers: 4.2. Integers and Floating-Point Numbers
parseFloat() and: Converting to a number using the parseInt( ) and parseFloat( ) functions
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
floating-point precision: Floating-point precision
floor() (Math object): 4.4.2. Built-in Mathematical Functions
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
_focusrect global property: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
fonts, embedded: 18.3.7. Embed Fonts
18.5.11. Using HTML as Output
for-in loop: 6.3. The ActionScript Statements
8.5. The for-in Loop
accessing movie clips: Using for-in to access movie clips
accessing named array elements: 11.6. Named Array Elements
built-in objects and: 8.5. The for-in Loop
manipulating object properties: 12.3.2. Using a for-in Loop to Access an Object's Properties
undefined text fields and: 18.7. Empty Text Fields and the for-in Statement
for loop: 6.3. The ActionScript Statements
8.4. The for Loop
comma operator used in: 5.9. The Comma Operator
forms (see Flash forms)
Frame Actions (Actions panel title): 16.1. The Actions Panel
frame rate effect on timeline and clip event loops: 8.7.3. Frame Rate's Effect on Timeline and Clip Event Loops
adding blank keyframes: 1.3.7. Building the Quiz End
adding scripts to: 16.2. Adding Scripts to Frames
advancing playhead one frame: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
attaching code to: 1.1.2. Say Hi to Flash
16.2. Adding Scripts to Frames
creating main timeline variables: 1.3.4. Initializing the Quiz
2.5. Variable Scope
current location of playhead: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
displaying randomly: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
event-based programming and: 1.2.6. The Event-Based Execution Model
Frame Actions panel: 1.3.4. Initializing the Quiz
frame labels
adding: 1.3.5. Adding Frame Labels
layer structure and: 1.3.2. Building the Layer Structure
vs. frame numbers: 1.3.5. Adding Frame Labels
keyframes as storage devices: 16.2. Adding Scripts to Frames
number in timeline: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
as bitmaps: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
using vectors: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
printing document level frames
as bitmaps: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
using vectors: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
remotely executing scripts: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
sending playhead back one frame: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
fromCharCode() (String class): Unicode-style escape sequences The fromCharCode( ) function
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
fscommand() global function: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
ftp protocol (getURL()): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
fullscreen command (standalone Player): 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
fullscreen, running
in standalone Projector: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
in web browsers: 20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
_framesloaded property (MovieClip class): 13.7. Built-in Movie Clip Properties
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
20.5. Alphabetical Language Reference
adding scripts to frames: 16.2. Adding Scripts to Frames
use instead of ifFrameLoaded statement: 6.3.10. The ifFrameLoaded Statement
function body: 9.1. Creating Functions
function call operator: 5.11.8. The Function Call Operator
9.2. Running Functions
12.4. Methods
function call statement: 6.3.6. Function Call Statements
function calls: 4.6.3. Using Built-in String Functions
6.3.2. Expression Statements
Function() constructor, not supported: 9.5. Function Literals
function literals: 9.5. Function Literals
adding methods to classes: Assigning methods to objects of a class
implementing methods with: 12.4. Methods
function scope: 9.7. Function Scope
ActionScript vs. JavaScript: 15.3. Advanced Function Scope Issues
advanced issues: 15.3. Advanced Function Scope Issues
object methods, fixed scope of: 15.3. Advanced Function Scope Issues
function statement: 1.2.4. Modular Code (Functions)
6.3. The ActionScript Statements
6.3.5. The function Statement
functions: 1.2.4. Modular Code (Functions)
9. Functions
using as arguments: 9.11.1. Passing Functions to Functions
arguments object: 9.8.2. The arguments Object
availability of: 9.6.1. Function Availability
built-in (see built-in functions)
calling: 5.11.8. The Function Call Operator
9.1. Creating Functions
12.4. Methods
centralizing code: 9.12. Centralizing Code
creating: 9.1. Creating Functions
with parameters: 9.3.1. Creating Functions with Parameters
declaring: 9.1. Creating Functions
dynamic: 9.5. Function Literals
clip event handlers and: 10.16. Dynamic Movie Clip Event Handlers
ensuring permanence of: 9.6.2. Function Life Span
initialization: 1.3.4. Initializing the Quiz
internal (see internal functions)
invoking: 9.1. Creating Functions
9.6.1. Function Availability
as methods: 12.4. Methods
with parameters: 9.3.2. Invoking Functions with Parameters
life span of: 9.6.2. Function Life Span
local scope of: 9.7. Function Scope
local variables and: 2.5.8. Local Variables
as objects: 9.11. Functions as Objects
organizing code into: 9.13.1. Organizing the Quiz Code into Functions
parameters (see parameters)
functions to: 9.11. Functions as Objects
information to: 9.3. Passing Information to Functions
more than one argument to: 9.3.2. Invoking Functions with Parameters
primitive vs. composite data: 9.8.3. Primitive Versus Composite Parameter Values
15.1. Copying, Comparing, and Passing Data
properties, attaching to: 9.11.1. Passing Functions to Functions
recursive: 9.9. Recursive Functions
returning values from: 9.4.2. Returning Values from Functions
running: 9.2. Running Functions
terminating: 9.4.1. Terminating a Function
vs. Actions: 9.10. Internal Functions

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